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  • MaineCare Health PAS Online Portal
    Serving the MaineCare population to improve health care outcomes
    MaineCare is a state and federally funded program that provides healthcare coverage for eligible individuals and families.
  • MaineCare Health PAS Online Portal
    Serving the MaineCare population to improve health care outcomes
    MaineCare is a state and federally funded program that provides healthcare coverage for eligible individuals and families.
  • MaineCare Health PAS Online Portal
    Serving the MaineCare population to improve health care outcomes
    MaineCare is a state and federally funded program that provides healthcare coverage for eligible individuals and families.
4/8/2022 11:39 AM

COVID-19 Information

See our COVID-19 webpage for Coronavirus updates, helpful information by provider type, and links to other resources.

Providers can contact us through our COVID-19 email box for questions regarding the Coronavirus.

4/8/2022 11:35 AM

​You can sign up for email notifications on the E-message Subscription Webpage. Enter your email address, scroll down to "MaineCare Stakeholders," and select the topics about which you would like to receive updates and information.

Welcome to the Health PAS Online Portal for MaineCare members and service providers!

Home Doctor image

MaineCare Services coordinates the programs and benefits, assures that they operate under consistent policy in keeping with the Department’s goals and federal mandates, and ensures that they are administered effectively and efficiently.

By doing so, MaineCare Services assures the highest quality outcomes for its members through measurement, a well-informed workforce and an efficient, sustainable, and integrated health delivery system.


Login to the Member Secure Portal to request your:
  • Letter of Creditable Coverage
  • Claims History Report

 Providers / Trading Partners

Login to the Provider Secure Portal to:
  • View MaineCare eligibility and history
  • Submit claims
  • Submit referrals, authorizations or certification requests
  • Check submission status
  • Perform Provider Enrollment / Maintenance Functions
9/2/2022 8:49 AM

This Provider Checklist gives you all the steps to be ready to bill in MIHMS.

10/28/2022 3:09 PM

Health PAS Browser Compatibility

Browser Compatibility—The Health PAS Online Portal currently supports these web browser versions:

  • Microsoft Edge Chromium 79 or higher 
  • Chrome version 38 and newer
  • Firefox  version 23 and newer
  • Safari 10 and newer

Additional browsers and their versions may be compatible but are not officially supported. Support for these browsers will continue to develop over time. Other that what was required by the supported browser and version, users are not required to have any special software or hardware to gain access to the portal. If you have difficulty with browser compatibility or accessing the portal, please contact Provider Services at 1-866-690-5585. Office hours are 7:00 AM EST until 6:00 PM EST.

2/3/2021 7:42 AM

​There has been an increase in claim rejections for invalid NDC codes. The following information will assist in identifying NDC codes that are not valid.

If you submit an 837 EDI transaction with an invalid NDC code, it will reject the entire claim. You will need to review your rejections on the BRR report to know which NDC code is invalid. A claim with invalid NCD code can be submitted successfully on the Health PAS Online Portal, but the claim lines with the invalid NDC codes will deny. 

NDC codes should be 11 digits long and have a 5 4 2 format (example: 00703-5145-01). When adding NDC codes to your claims, hyphens are not needed, but 11 digits are required.

There are two Medicare crosswalks to validate NDC codes that are used to edit claims in MIHMS. If the code combinations are not on either of these crosswalks, then the claim will not process accurately. 

Please see the links for the Medicare crosswalks:

There will be occasions when the HCPC/NDC combination is on one list but not the other. There will always be a delay with keeping both lists current so, the MaineCare uses both lists to validate these combinations. These codes are Date of Service sensitive; therefore, the relationship start and end dates on the PDAC crosswalk matters. When using the Medicare ASP Crosswalk, choose the quarter that includes the Date of Service.  

If claims are denied due to the invalid NDC/HCPCS codes, you can request the combination to be reviewed, and possibly added by using the NDC-J Code Combination Request Form and by emailing the information to

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